Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ouch :'(

Well something really random happened yesterday. One of my friends told me I should post about it. So here I go....

I was on my way home from school, riding my scooter (usually I ride my bike, but that's not important). So there I was, coming out of the tunnel, when all of a sudden I felt this sharp pain in my shoulder. I swirved off to the side and grabbed my arm. I could still ride at first, but then another pan came again and made me drop my scooter, so I just stood there in the grass. Well, it hurt really bad, and I just kept feeling all these shocks happening around my shoulder, up by my sleeve, and they really stung. I wasn't trying to make a big deal about it, but apparently I didn't try as hard as I could've, because everyone came rushing over. Soon I had a crowd of kids around me. So, I grabbed my arm and I felt something. So sure enough, I looked down and saw a lump. I figured it was a thorn or a large splinter, but then something happened. It started buzzing like CRAZY. I looked down and lifted up my sleeve. Something flew out, and it looked like it could've been a fly - I only saw it for a second. But everyone else said it was a bee. And belive me, I started FREAKING OUT. How in the world did it get up my SLEEVE? I went home as fast as I could. When I got home, I ran up to my mom and she said, "Oh my gosh! Are you OK?! Let me look at it." So she looked. " looks like you got stung...1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8 TIMES!! Here follow me, we'll put this and this and this on it..." Blah blah blah you know what I mean. So, that's how my day was. Sorry, I know this was a long story. But I love to talk and tell stories, and write them too. So....yeah.

1 comment:

Brinzy's said...

LOL Looked like it hurt. Good "idea" posting about it!
-Brooke :)